Deobandi founders, scholars and books scans proving tawassul, istighatha concept
this is proved from Arwaah eThalatha too, in which even Deoband elders helped people from far away
On Page number p.444, writing story no.443 from Tazkiratul-Rasheed that, “In Lahori province, a Punjabi Majzoob (recluse) used to reside. Haji Abdur-Rahim Sahib who was a resident of the same locality, set out on a journey to visit Haramain-Shareefain (Mecca and Medina) by ship. On the journey, a glass fell down into the sea from Hazrat’s (Abdur-Rahim) hand. In just a while, a HAND APPEARED from the sea holding the glass and disappeared as soon as Hazrat took the glass. In Lahori, the Majzoob said to the servants of Abdur-Rahim, ‘A glass had fallen from the hands of your Haji Sahib. It was me who gave it back to him’. When Haji Abdur-Rahim returned from Hajj, he was informed of this saying of the Majzoob. Haji Abdur-Rahim said that the incident was true, but he was unable to recognize whose hand it was. See this froml Fazail e amaal and durood , zikr with me.And these are not poems by Stories about how Prophet [salehalawaalihi wasalam] and Deobandi Akabireen helped them ARE THESE SHIRKIA STORIES ?
Really, Have you read Fazail e Durood ever in your life ? Page 66: Fazail e Durood Is this a Shirkia Story ? Page 184-185: Fazail e Durood proving Istighatha Page 188: Fazail e Durood Page 190-191: Fazail e Durood Page 192-193: Fazail e Durood prove istighatha . Incident of Qasim Nanotwi coming from grave with his body to help Deobandis why Qasim nanotvi came two time from his grave and helped to deobandi people, one time he came to darul uloom deoband to help maulana rafiuddin saheb who has dispute with other ulemas of deoband And second time he was came in punjab (india) when deobandi alim was doing munazara with a barelvi alim then Qasim nanotiv came with his body (not just rooh) [In Arwaah-e-Thalatha] Now tell me are these Shirkia stories inside Fazail e Ammal, ================================================== ======[/SIZE][/QUOTE] full story of Thanwi's grandfather's return A strange incident is mentioned in Ashrafus-Sawaneh (biography of Ashraf Ali Thanvi) about the great-grandfather of Ashraf Ali Thanvi, Muhammad Fareed. He was accompanying a marriage procession when it was attacked by a band of thieves. Muhammad Fareed died defending the procession and was buried near the tomb of Pir Samauddin. AN URS (festival) was held at his grave for many years. The biographer writes, “After his martyrdom a strange incident occurred. At night, he returned to his home as if he was alive and gave some sweets to his family members saying, ‘If you do not tell (about my visit) to anyone, I shall keep coming this way.’ But the family members feared that the people may suspect something wrong when they see the children eating sweets, so they disclosed the incident and after this he did not return So Thanwi's grandfather can come back and give sweets assit but if some one believes it for Aqah karim (صلی اللہ علیھ وآلھ وسلم) it becomes Shirk Coming to the issue if Pirs , see how Deobandi Pir helps his mureeds in Deobandi books Tell me if this is a Shirkia Story It Translates :Once a common man asked Ba Yazeed Bastami, ‘How should a Pir (Shaikh/Saint) be and how should a Mureed (disciple) be?’ … Ba Yazeed Bastami said, ‘Come to me tomorrow and I shall tell you.’ When the man came the next day, he gave him a letter and said, ‘Take this letter and go to the addressee. On your return you will get the answer’. The person to whom the letter was written was at a distance of 30 days and used to stay with a young boy who was beardless, extremely beautiful (?). Ba Yazeed Bastami asked the host to take good care of their guest, give him a separate room to stay and instruct the boy to serve him. And tell the boy not to disobey the guest; even in he has to fall in a sin.”… The guest reached in 30 days and delivered the letter. The one to whom the letter was addressed did according to the letter. The guest was alone with the boy and he had some immoral thoughts. He wished the sinful action. Immediately the guest WAS STRUCK as if with the HAND OF Ba Yazeed Bastami. The guest stopped and felt remorseful. The guest left the next day, and after his return asked Ba Yazeed Bastami, “Please reply my question”. Ba Yazeed said, “Pir should be as you were struck, and the Mureed (disciple) should be as the one to whom the letter was addressed to [In Tazkirat e Rasheed, volume , page268] Its hilarious how some people misquote Imam e Rabbani Hadrat Mujadad Alf Sani(رحمة الله عليه) to prove a specific issue or aqeeda to be wrong or right but when they are shown quotes of other classical scholars or even their own books they stubbornly and unfortunately deny all that. Double standards I would say [no offense] , May Allah guide us all and make us come out of fitna of Nafs
Sure brother, It states and I translate : " One day after Fajr Salah mawalana Rafeeuddeen saheb (rh) invited Mawalana Mahmoodul Hasan saheb in his room( Inside darul uloom deoband). Mawlana (Mahmoodul Hasan) arrived and opened the door and entered inside . It was severe winter at that time. Mawalana Rafeeudeen saheb told him to first examine his overcoat. When Mawalana (Mahmoodul Hasan) saw this over coat it was wet[U]. Mawlana Rafeeudeen told him that just now Mawalana Nanatwee visited ]with his PHYSICAL BODY ( JASADE UNSAREE) and I was frightened so my overcoat became wet (due to sweating). Mawalana Nanatvee ordered that Mahmood Hasan should not indulge in this internal fight going on among the teachers of Deoband. Mawalana Mahmood Hasan said "Hazrat I repent ( do tawbah on your hands) and I will not speak anything after this, in this on going internal fight" Reference: [Arwahe Salasa , page 242] Scanned page | || |