These wahabi Hypocrites have started to decive the Muslim Ummah by twisting the Hadiths and make it appear that Najd is not Najd but Iraq and Bani Tamim is the praised one. ?
These wahabi Hypocrites have once again started to decive the Muslim Ummah by twisting the Hadiths and make it appear that Najd is not Najd but Iraq and Bani Tamim is the praised one. ?
In addition to above, these hypocrites have also claimed that Sunnis have done forgery in the Hadiths translation by replacing the word Iraq with Najd . I will insha allah try to refute each and every of there claims.
Refuting the claim of Whabis that Sunnis have replace the word Iraq by Najd in the Hadith.
Sahi Bukhari (Book #88, Hadith #214)
1. Narrated Ibn ‘Umar: The Prophet (s)said, “O Allah! Bestow Your blessings on our Sham! O Allah! Bestow Your blessings on our Yemen.” The People said, “And also on our NAJD.” He said, “O Allah! Bestow Your blessings on our Sham (north)! O Allah! Bestow Your blessings on our Yemen.” The people said, “O Allah’s Apostle! And also on our NAJD.” I think the third time the Prophet (s) said, “There (in NAJD) is the place of earthquakes and afflictions and from there comes out the side of the head of Satan.”
Sahih Bukhari Volume 2, Book 17, Number 147:
Narrated Ibn 'Umar: (The Prophet) said, "O Allah! Bless our Sham and our Yemen." People said, "Our Najd as well." The Prophet again said, "O Allah! Bless our Sham and Yemen." They said again, "Our Najd as well." On that the Prophet said, "There will appear earthquakes and afflictions, and from there will come out the side of the head of Satan."
A further confirmation is in the account of the qunût of the Prophet against the tribes of Najd. `Amir ibn Malik came to the Prophet in the 4th year of the Hijra, neither accepting nor rejecting Islam. Instead he said: “O Muhammad! If you send some of your Companions to the people of Najd to call them to your affair, I have hope that they shall respond favorably to you.” The Prophet replied: “Truly I fear for them [harm] from the people of Najd” (innî akshâ `alayhim ahla Najd). `Amir said: “I proclaim that they are under my protection.” The Prophet then sent seventy men from the elite of the Ansar. They travelled until they alighted at the Well of Ma`una, at which time they sent Haram ibn Malhan with the letter of the Messenger of Allah to `Amir ibn al-Tufayl. The latter did not look at the letter but instead killed Haram ibn Malhan. Then he called upon the Banu `Amir for assistance to kill the rest of the Muslim group, but they declined to challenge `Amir ibn Malik’s protectorate. So `Amir ibn al-Tufayl called upon the following tribes of the Banu Sulaym: `Usayya, Ra`l, Dhakwan, and they responded to him. They formed an expedition and surrounded the group with their mounts. The Muslims were killed to the last man but for `Amr ibn Umayya al-Dumari who returned to Madina. The Prophet was deeply affected by their death and remained supplicating (yaqnutu) for one month during the dawn prayer against the (Najdi) Banu Sulaym tribes of Ra`l, Dhakwan, Banu Lahyan, and `Usayya
Hadith cited by al-Tabari in his Tarikh (2:81) and – in parts – from Anas by al-Bukhari; al-Bayhaqi, al-Sunan al-Kubra (9:225 #18587), Abu Ya`la (5:448), Ahmad, al-Tahawi in Sharh Ma`ani al-Athar (1:244 waj`al qulûbahum `alâ qulubi nisâ’a kawâfir).
There are many hadiths in which the Messenger (s.w.s.) praised particular lands. It is significant that although Najd is the closest of lands to Makka and Madina, it is not praised by any one of these hadiths. The first hadith cited above shows the Messenger’s willingness to pray for Syria and Yemen, and his insistent refusal to pray for Najd. And wherever Najd is mentioned, it is clearly seen as a problematic territory.
Consider, for instance, the following noble hadith:
Amr ibn Abasa said: ‘Allah’s Messenger (s.w.s.) was one day reviewing the horses, in the company of Uyayna ibn Hisn ibn Badr al-Fazari.[. . .] Uyayna remarked: “The best of men are those who bear their swords on their shoulders, and carry their lances in the woven stocks of their horses, wearing cloaks, and are the people of the Najd.” But Allah’s Messenger (s.w.s.) replied: “You lie! Rather, the best of men are the men of the Yemen. Faith is a Yemeni, the Yemen of [the tribes of] Lakhm and Judham and Amila. [. . .] Hadramawt is better than the tribe of Harith; one tribe is better than another; another is worse [. . .] My Lord commanded me to curse Quraysh, and I cursed them, but he then commanded me to bless them twice, and I did so [. . .] Aslam and Ghifar, and their associates of Juhaina, are better than Asad and Tamim and Ghatafan and Hawazin, in the sight of Allah on the Day of Rising. [. . .] The most numerous tribe in the Garden shall be [the Yemeni tribes of] Madhhij and Ma’kul.’
(Ahmad ibn Hanbal and al-Tabarani, by sound narrators. Cited in Ali ibn Abu Bakr al-Haythami, Majma‘ al-zawa’id wa manba‘ al-fawa’id [Cairo, 1352], X, 43).
The Messenger (sws) says ‘You lie!’ to a man who praises Najd. Nowhere does he extol Najd – quite the contrary. But in other hadiths in praise of other lands abound
Apart from the above Hadith where the word Najd has been explicitly used there are numerous Hadith where our Beloved Prophets(SAW) is CLEALRY POINTING HIS HAND TOWARDS EAST WHILE STANDING IN MEDINAH AND CLEALRY SAYING THAT THE FITNAH AND DEVIL WILL COME FROM EAST. However before proceeding toward them let us first puncture the claim of these by clarifying what our Prophets(SAW) and Sahabas(ra) meant by Najd
Proof 1
Sahi Bukhari(Book #59, Hadith #455)
Narrated Ibn ‘Umar: I took part in a Ghazwa towards NAJD along with Allah’s Apostle and we clashed with the enemy, and we lined up for them.
Some more proof about the location of Najd
Sahih Bukhari Volume 3 : Book 41 : Hadith 605 :
Narrated by Abu Huraira:
The Prophet sent some horsemen to Najd and they arrested and brought a man called Thumama bin Uthal from the tribe of Bani Hanifa, and they fastened him to one of the pillars of the Mosque
Note: Ibn Saud belongs to the tribe of Bani Hanifa
Sahih Bukhari Volume 2 Book No. 14 Hadith No.64:
Narrated Shu'aib:
I asked Az-Zuhri, "Did the Prophet ever offer the Fear Prayer?" Az-Zuhri said, "I was told by Salim that `Abdullah bin `Umar I had said, 'I took part in a holy battle with Allah's Apostle I in Najd. We faced the enemy and arranged ourselves in rows........
Muslim Book 19, Number 4330:
It has been narrated on the authority of Ibn Umar that the Prophet (may peace be upon him) sent an expedition to Najd and I was among the troops. They got a large number of camels as a booty. Eleven or twelve camels fell to the lot of every fighter and each of them also got one extra camel.
It is also established in the authentic Sunna that after Abu Talib’s death by about three years, in the 10th year of the Hijra, on the actual night that the Prophet was preparing to leave Makka for Madina, the plot to kill him by the collective hand of a conspiracy ofthe tribes was hatched up by Iblis in the guise of a venerable old man (shaykh jalîl) who, when asked who he was, he simply answered”An old man from Najd” (shaykhun min Najd). The reports go on to refer to him as “The Old Man from Najd” (al-shaykh al-najdî).
Hadith cited by Ibn Hisham, al-Sira al-Nabawiyya (3:6-8); al-Tabari, Tafsir (9:227-228) and Tarikh (1:566-567); Ibn Kathir, Tafsir (“sahîh” 2:303 on verse 8:30) and al-Bidaya wa al-Nihaya; al-Suyuti, al-Durr al-Manthur (verse 8:30)
Sahih Bukhari, Volume 2, Book 26, Number 606:
Narrated Ibn Umar:
When these two towns (Basra and Kufa) were captured, the people went to 'Umar and said, "O the Chief of the faithful believers! The Prophet fixed Qarn as the Miqat for the people of Najd, it is beyond our way and it is difficult for us to pass through it." He said, "Take as your Miqat a place situated opposite to Qarn on your usual way. So, he fixed Dhatu-Irq (as their Miqat).".
Hadith Imam Nasa’i (Manasik al-Hajj, 22)
In a hadith narrated by Imam Nasa’i (Manasik al-Hajj, 22), ‘A’isha (r.a.) narrated that ‘Allah’s Messenger (s.w.s.) established the miqat for the people of Madina at Dhu’l-Hulayfa, for the people of Syria and Egypt at al-Juhfa, for the people of Iraq at Dhat Irq, and for the people of Najd at Qarn, and for the Yemenis at Yalamlam.
So from above Hadiths the following conclusion can be drawn
1. PROPHET MUHAMMAD (SAW) CLEARLY distinguished between Najd and Iraq, so much so that he appointed two SEPARATE miqat points for the inhabitants of each during Hajj. For Prophet Muhammad (s.w.s.), clearly, Najd did not include Iraq.
2. From the Hadith of Abu Huraira(ra) (cited above)the tribe of Bani Hanifa is associated with Najd. We all know that the tribe of Bani Hanifa(Ibn Sauds tribe) belongs to Najd in Saudi Arabia.
3. Apart from the various Hadiths quoted above there are numerous Hadith where it has been mentioned that Prophet(SAW) led a compaign against the Najd. Now, we all know that Prophet(SAW) has never led a compaign against the Iraq. So it is crystal clear that the Najd mentioned in the Hadith is the Najd of todays Saudi Arabia.
Now coming toward the lie of these Hypocrites when they quote the opinion of Al Khattabi(ra) mentioned by Ibn Hajar(ra) “the najd in the direction of the east, and for the one who is in Madeenah then his Najd would be the desert of Iraaq and it's regions [baadiya al-Iraaq wa Nawaaheehaa] for this is to the east of the People of Madeenah”
One can only laugh at these Hypocrites wahabis who claim to follows only Quran and Authentic Hadith. How conveniently they run away from the Quran and Sunnah when any thing goes against there fitnah, by citing the opinion of a scholar and tend to negate the Sahih Hadith.
In addition to the above they also claim that there were more then 10 places know as Najd at the time of Prophet(SAW).
Again refer to the above cited Hadith of Sahi Muslim Book 7, Hadith Number 2666 where the Prophet (SAW.) declared the Miqat for the people of Najd at Qarn separate from the people of Iraq . Now, one may wonder if there were more then 10 Najd then where were the Miqat for Najd1, Najd2, Najd3 and so on. …..
Further according to the Shayk ul Islam of Wahabis Ibn Taymyyia
“Those that committed apostasy after his(Prophet Muhammads) death – Allah bless and greet him –were ONLY those that entered Islam with the sword, such as the companions of Musaylima and the people of Najd.”
Ibn Taymiyya, Minhaj al-Sunna (1986 ed. 7:478).
Note: Musaylima belongs to the tribe of Bani Tamim. I will Insha allah post greater detail about him when I will deal with the tribe of Bani Tamim(one of the main Najdi tribe)
Now coming to the Hadith where the Prophet(SAW) has pointed toward the East.
1. Ibn ‘Umar reported that he heard Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying (in a state) that he had turned his face towards the EAST: Behold, turmoil would appear from this side, from where the horns of Satan would appear.
Sahi Muslim (Book #041, Hadith #6938
2. Ibn ‘Umar reported that Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) stood by the door (of the apartment of) gafsa and, pointing towards the EAST , he said: The turmoil would appear from this side, viz. where the horns of Satan would appear, and he uttered these words twice or thrice and Ubaidullah b. Sa’ld in his narration said. The Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) had been standing by the door of ‘A’isha.
Sahi Muslim (Book #041, Hadith #6939
3. It is narrated on the authority of Abu Huraira that the Messenger of Allah (may peace and blessings be upon him) remarked: The summit of unbelief is towards the EAST and the pride and conceitedness is found among the owners of horses and camels who are rude and uncivil, people of the tents, and tranquility is found among those who rear goats and sheep.
Sahi Muslim (Book #001, Hadith #0087
4. Sahl b. Hunaif reported Allah’s Apostle Salla Allahu ta’ala ‘alayhi wa Sallam as saying: There would arise from the east a people with shaven heads.
Sahi Muslim (Book #005, Hadith #2338)
5. Malik related to me from Abdullah ibn Dinar Radi Allahu anhuthat Abdullah ibn Umar Radi Allahu anhu said, “ I saw the Messenger of Allah Salla Allahu ta’ala ‘alayhi wa Sallam pointing at the EAST and saying, ‘The cause of dissension is here. The cause of dissension is here, from where the helpers of shaytan arise.’ “
Imam Malik’s MUWATTA(Book #54, Hadith #54.11.29)
The main arguement put forward by the Wahabis to confuse the Muslim Ummah that the east referred in the above Hadith is not Najd(which is immediately east to the Madina) but Iraq is the following Hadith .
Ibn Fudail reported on the authority of his father that he heard Salim b. ‘Abdullah b. ‘Umar as saying: O people of Iraq, how strange it is that you ask about the minor sins but commit major sins?——— I (Salim b.Abdullah Ibn Umar) heard from my father ‘Abdullah b. ‘Umar, narrating that he heard Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying while pointing his hand towards the EAST: Verily. the turmoil would come from this side, from where appear the horns of Satan and you would strike the necks of one another;————-
and Moses killed a person from among the people of Pharaoh unintentionally and Allah, the Exalted and Glorious, said:” You killed a person but We relieved you from the grief and tried you with (many a) trial” (xx. 40). Ahmad b. Umar reported this hadith from Salim, but he did not make a mention of the words:” I heard”.
Sahi Muslim (Book #041, Hadith #6943)
What these Wahabi Hypocrites fail to realize that in the above hadith. Salim b.Abdullah Ibn Umar(r) was adressing the Kufa Hypocrites of Iraq who fought Against Imam Husaain (ra) and Mayterd him,the Khawrij came from NAJD ( Central Part of Arabia which lies East to Hejaz or Medina) , but later made Iraq their base to wage the evil war against Hadrat Ali (ra) and Hadrat Muawiya (ra) and so they brought their Fitnah from Najd in Saudi Arabia to Iraq as well.
Moreover the fact that that Salim ibn `Abd Allah ibn `Umar applied this hadith to the people of Iraq does not limit its meaning to them. It only confirms that the Prophet(SAW) foresaw the dissension of the Khawârij among other dissensions hailing from the East(Najd), such as that of Musaylima the Liar and others:
Proofs from Sahih Hadiths that East refers to the region of Najd.
Hadiths Narrated by ABDULLLAH IBN UMAR(RA) .
Hadiths where the word East has been used.
Ibn ‘Umar reported that he heard Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying (in a state) that he had turned his face towards the EAST: Behold, turmoil would appear from this side, from where the horns of Satan would appear. Sahi Muslim (Book #041, Hadith #6938
Hadith where the word Najd has been used.
Sahi Bukhari (Book #88, Hadith #214)
Narrated Ibn ‘Umar: The Prophet (s)said, “O Allah! Bestow Your blessings on our Sham! O Allah! Bestow Your blessings on our Yemen.” The People said, “And also on our NAJD.” He said, “O Allah! Bestow Your blessings on our Sham (north)! O Allah! Bestow Your blessings on our Yemen.” The people said, “O Allah’s Apostle! And also on our NAJD.” I think the third time the Prophet (s) said, “There (in NAJD) is the place of earthquakes and afflictions and from there comes out the side of the head of Satan.”
Hadith which refers to the Najd in Saudi Arabia
Sahi Bukhari (Book #59, Hadith #455)
Narrated Ibn ‘Umar: I took part in a Ghazwa towards NAJD along with Allah’s Apostle and we clashed with the enemy, and we lined up for them.
In this Hadith the word Najd has been explicitly been used and it did not refers to Iraq since Prophet(SAW) did not participated in any battle in Iraq.
Thus the above Hadiths make it crystal clear that Abdullah Ibn Umar clearly cited Najd as the Original place of Fitnah from where the Devils Horn will rise instead of Iraq and the East refers to Najd in particular.
Hadiths narrated by Abu Sa`id Al-Khudri[ra] in the Sahih Bukhari.
Hadith where the word East has been used
Bukhari Volume 9 Hadith No. 651:
Narrated Abu Sa`id Al-Khudri:
The Prophet said, "There will emerge from the East some people who will recite the Qur'an but it will not exceed their throats and who will go out of (renounce) the religion (Islam) as an arrow passes through the game, and they will never come back to it unless the arrow, comes back to the middle of the bow (by itself) (i.e., impossible). The people asked, "What will their signs be?" He said, "Their sign will be the habit of shaving. Hadith where the tribe of Bani Tamim is referred
Sahih Bukhari Volume 8 : Book 73 : Hadith 184 :
Narrated by Abu Said Al-Khudri:
While the Prophet was distributing (war booty etc.) one day, Dhul Khawaisira, a man from the tribe of Bani Tamim, said, "O Allah's Apostle! Act justly." The Prophets said, "Woe to you! Who else would act justly if I did not act justly?" 'Umar said (to the Prophet ), "Allow me to chop his neck off."The Prophet said, "No, for he has companions (who are apparently so pious that) if anyone of (you compares his prayer with) their prayer, he will consider his prayer inferior to theirs, and similarly his fasting inferior to theirs, but they will desert Islam (go out of religion) as an arrow goes through the victim's body (games etc.) in which case if its Nasl is examined nothing will be seen thereon, and if its Nady is examined, nothing will be seen thereon, and if its Qudhadh is examined, nothing will be seen thereon, for the arrow has gone out too fast even for the excretions and blood to smear over it. Such people will come out at the time of difference among the (Muslim) people and the sign by which they will be recognized, will be a man whose one of the two hands will look like the breast of a woman or a lump of flesh moving loosely." Abu Said added, "I testify that I heard that from the Prophet and also testify that I was with 'Ali when 'Ali fought against those people. The man described by the Prophet was searched for among the killed, and was found, and he was exactly as the Prophet had described him." (See Hadith No. 807, Vol. 4)
Note the similarity in the underline statement of Prophet(SAW) in the above two Hadiths. In the first Hadith narrated by Abu Said Al-Khudri(ra),Prophet(SAW) is pointing toward East and in the second Hadith Prophets is directly commenting on the ppl of Bani Tamim of Najd. So we can say now that Alhamdolillah , the attempt by these Hypocrites Wahabis to create confusion is once again shattered
...................Bani Tamim and other tribes of Najd....................
Before giving overwhelming Proof from Quran and Sahih Hadith against Najd, let us first analyse the claim of these Wahabis that Banu Tamim the Tribe of Ibn Abdul Wahhab Najdi and Banu Hanifa the Tribe of Ibn Saud Najdi was Praised by Prophet (saw) ?
Sahih Al-Bukhari Hadith 3.719
Narrated byAbu Huraira I have loved the people of the tribe of Bani Tamim ever since I heard, three things, Allah’s Apostle said about them. I heard him saying,: “These people (of the tribe of Bani Tamim) would stand firm against Ad-Dajjal.” When the Sadaqat from that tribe came, Allah’s Apostle said, “These are the Sadaqat of our folk.” ‘Aisha had a slave-girl from that tribe, and the Prophet said to ‘Aisha, “Manumit her as she is a descendant of Ishmael (the Prophet).”
The above hadith clearly indicates that the rigour of the Tamimites will be used for, and not against, Islam in the finalculminating battle against the Dajjal; and this is unquestionably a merit. The second point is less significant, since all the Arabs are descendents of Ismail; while the variant readings of the third point make it difficult to establish its significance in an unambiguous way. Even the most positive interpretation, however, allows us to conclude no more than that the Messenger (s.w.s.) was pleased with that tribe at the moment it paid its zakat. As we shall see, in later posts that the payment of zakat proved to be short-lived.
Sahih Bukhari 3.720: Narrated Abu Musa: Allah's Apostle said, "He who has a slave−girl and educates and treats her nicely and then manumits and marries her, will get a double reward."
So the order regarding manumitting the slave girl was not just due to her association to the tribe of Bani Tamim
Another Hadith
Volume 4, Book 54, Number 413:(Sahih Bukhari)
Narrated 'Imran bin Husain: Some people of Bani Tamim came to the Prophet and he said (to them), "O Bani Tamim! rejoice with glad tidings." They said, "You have given us glad tidings, now give us something." On hearing that the color of his face changed then the people of Yemen came to him and he said, "O people of Yemen ! Accept the good tidings, as Bani Tamim has refused them....
The hadith of praise is overruled by this hadith of Bukhari . As we know that Marfu hadith supercedes Mawquf hadith. The Prophet has himself "NOT SAID THAT HE LOVED BANI TAMIM" . The ppl of Bani Tameem refused the GLAD TIDING FROM THE PROPHET(SAW].. The act of the ppl of Bani Tamim was so disgraceful that it changed the "COLOUR OF THE FACE OF PROPHET(SAW)"
Some more Proof from Holy Quran and Hadith which a Wahabi will never show.
1. Holy Quran Surah 9:97
“The bedouins are the worst in the disbelief and hypocrisy, and are more likely to be in ignorance of the limits which Allah has revealed to his messenger.”
Note : Najd in Saudi Arabia has traditionally been occupied by nomadic Bedouins
Tafsir Ibn Kathir
The Bedouins are the Worst in Disbelief and Hypocrisy Allah states that there are disbelievers, hypocrites and believers among the bedouins. He also states that the disbelief and hypocrisy of the bedouins is worse and deeper than the disbelief and hypocrisy of others. They are the most likely of being ignorant of the commandments that Allah has revealed to His Messenger .
Imam Ahmad narrated that Ibn `Abbas said that the Messenger of Allah said He who lives in the desert becomes hard-hearted, he who follows the game becomes heedless, and he who associates with the rulers falls into Fitnah.) Abu Dawud, At-Tirmidhi and An-Nasa'i collected this Hadith. At-Tirmidhi said, "Hasan Gharib.'' The Prophet once had to give a bedouin man many gifts because of what he gave him as a gift, until the bedouin became satisfied. The Prophet said, I almost decided not to accept a gift except from someone from Quraysh, Thaqafi, the Ansar or Daws.).
2. An early indication of the nature of the Tamimites is given by Allah himself in Sura al-Hujurat. In aya 4 of this sura,
Allah(SWT) says: ‘Those who call you from behind the chambers: most of them have no sense.’
The aya was revealed in connection with the delegation of the Banu Tamim who came to the Prophet (s.w.s.). They entered the mosque, and approached the chambers of his wives. They stood outside them and called: “Muhammad! Come out to us!” an action which expressed a good deal of harshness, crudeness and disrespect. Allah’s Messenger (s.w.s.) waited a while, and then came out to them. One of them, known as al-Aqra‘ ibn Habis, said: “Muhammad! To praise me is beautiful, and to criticise me is shameful!” And the Messenger (s.w.s.) replied: “Woe betide you! That is the due of Allah.”’ (Imam Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn Juzayy, al-Tashil [Beirut, 1403], p.702. See also the other tafsir works; also Ibn Hazm, Jamharat ansab al-‘Arab [Cairo, 1382], 208, in the chapter on Tamim.)
Allah (SWT) himself is saying the Bani Tamimi people to be having no sense and the Prophets(SAW) said: Woe Betide You
4. Sahih Bukhari :Volume 4, Book 56, Number 718:
Narrated Abu Bakra:
The Prophet said, "Do you think that the tribes of Juhaina, Muzaina, Aslam and Ghifar are better than the tribes of Bani Tamim, Bani Asad, Bam 'Abdullah bin Ghatafan and Bani Amir bin Sasaa?" A man said, "They were unsuccessful and losers." The Prophet added," (Yes), they are better than the tribes of Bani Tamim, Bani Asad, Bani Abdullah bin Ghatafan and Bani Amir bin Sasaa.
5. Perhaps the best-known of any hadith about a Tamimite, which again draws our attention to their misplaced zeal, is the hadith of Dhu’l-Khuwaysira. But before this let us see what Quran says about that incident
Holy Quran Surah 9 :58
" And of them are some who accuse you concerning (the distribution of) the alms. If they are given part thereof, they are pleased, but if they are not given thereof, behold! They are enraged!) (59. Would that they were content with what Allah and His Messenger gave them and had said: "Allah is sufficient for us. Allah will give us of His bounty, and so will His Messenger. We implore Allah (to enrich us).''
Sahih Bukhari Volume 8 : Book 73 : Hadith 184 :
Narrated by Abu Said Al-Khudri:
While the Prophet was distributing (war booty etc.) one day, Dhul Khawaisira, a man from the tribe of Bani Tamim, said, "O Allah's Apostle! Act justly." The Prophets said, "Woe to you! Who else would act justly if I did not act justly?" 'Umar said (to the Prophet ), "Allow me to chop his neck off." The Prophet said, "No, for he has companions (who are apparently so pious that) if anyone of (you compares his prayer with) their prayer, he will consider his prayer inferior to theirs, and similarly his fasting inferior to theirs, but they will desert Islam (go out of religion) as an arrow goes through the victim's body (games etc.) in which case if its Nasl is examined nothing will be seen thereon, and if its Nady is examined, nothing will be seen thereon, and if its Qudhadh is examined, nothing will be seen thereon, for the arrow has gone out too fast even for the excretions and blood to smear over it......
Tafsir Ibn Kathir
Qatadah commented on Allah’s statement We were told that a bedouin man, who had recently embraced Islam, came to the Prophet , when he was dividing some gold and silver, and said to him, `O Muhammad! Even though Allah commanded you to divide in fairness, you have not done so.' The Prophet of Allah said, (Woe to you! Who would be fair to you after me then) The Prophet of Allah said next, (Beware of this man and his likes! There are similar persons in my Ummah who recite the Qur'an, but the Qur'an will not go beyond their throat. If they rise (against Muslims rulers) then kill them, if they rise, kill them, then if they rise kill them.) We were also told that the Prophet of Allah used to say, (By He in Whose Hand is my life! I do not give or withhold anything; I am only a keeper.)'' This statement from Qatadah is similar to the Hadith that the Two Shaykhs narrated from Abu Sa`id about the story of Dhul-Khuwaysirah, whose name was Hurqus. Hurqus protested against the Prophet's division of the war spoils of Hunayn, saying, "Be fair, for you have not been fair!'' The Prophet said, (I would have become a loser and a failure if I was not fair!) The Messenger said after that man left, (Among the offspring of this man will be some with whose prayer, when one of you sees it, would belittle his prayer, and his fast as compared to their fast. They will be renegades from the religion, just like an arrow goes through the game's body. Wherever you find them, kill them, for verily, they are the worst dead people under the cover of the sky.) Allah said next, while directing such people to what is more beneficial for them than their behavior,
Before giving detail account of it …. Plz note that Bani Tamim and Bani Hanifa are the most dominant tribes of Najd….. and Ibn Saud belongs to Bani Hanifa and Ibn Wahab belongs to Bani Tamim
The Ridda: the First Fitna
The historians affirm that the great majority of the rebellions against the payment of zakat which broke out during the khilafa of Hazrat Abu Bakr (r.a.) after the Wafat of our beloved Prophet(SAW), took place among Najdis. Moreoever, and even more significantly, many of the the Najdi rebellions were grounded in a strange anti-Islamic ideology.
The best-known of these was led by Musaylima kazzab from the tribe of Bani Hanifa, who claimed to be a prophet, and who established a rival shari‘a which included quasi-Muslim rituals such as forms of fasting and dietary rules. He followed the Islamic prayer rules, but abolished the Fajr and the Isha prayers. One of his so-called ‘revelations’ ran with respect to his beloved Bani Tamim:
Banu Tamim is a tribe of purity,
a free people, with no fault in them,
neither do they pay a tribute.
We shall be their allies of protection,
good to them for as long as we live!
We shall protect them from everyone,
and when we die, their affair is with al-Rahman.
(al-Tabari, Tarikh al-Rusul wa’l-Muluk [Beirut, 1407], II, 276).
As leader of a rival religion, he and his Najdi enthusiasts were in a state of baghy, heretical revolt against due caliphal authority,
In the year 12 of the Hijra Hazrat Khalid bin Walid (ra) defeated the Najdis at the Battle of al-Aqraba, a bloody clash that centred on a walled garden which is known to our historians as the Garden of Death, because hundreds of great Companions lost their lives there at the hands of the Najdis. The Muslim battle-cry was not the invocation of a tribe or an ancestor, instead it was, ‘Ya Muhammadah!’ (Tabari, 281.).
The pseudo-prophet was killed by Wahshi, the Ethiopian slave The killing of the prophet of Najdi pride by a man of such humble origins was a powerful symbol of the principles that were at stake. (See Abdallah ibn Muslim Ibn Qutayba, Kitab al-Ma‘arif [Cairo, 1960], p.206; Ahmad ibn Yahya al-Baladhuri, Futuh al-buldan [repr. Beirut, n.d., p.86.])
The other ringleader of Najdi rebellion against the khilafa was a woman known as Sajah, whose full name was Umm Sadir bint Aws, and who belonged to the tribe of Tamim. She made claims to prophethood in the name of a rabb who was ‘in the clouds’, and who gave her revelations by which she succeeded in uniting sections of the Tamim who had argued among themselves over the extent to which they should reject the authority of Madina. Leading several campaigns against tribes who remained loyal to Islam, the Najdi prophetess is said to have thrown in her lot with Musaylima. Other than this, little is known of her fate. (Ibn Qutayba, Ma‘arif, p.405; Baladhuri, Futuh, pp.99-100.)
The wahabis tend to deceive the Muslim Ummah and negate the Sahih Hadith about Najd by saying that fitnah of Kharijites occured in Iraq… Now let us look who where these Kharijites .
Before proceeding let us look at the Hadith in which our Prophets (SAW) predicted the characteristic and zealot of this group.
Sahih Bukhari Volume 8 : Book 73 : Hadith 184 :
Narrated by Abu Said Al-Khudri:
While the Prophet was distributing (war booty etc.) one day, Dhul Khawaisira, a man from the tribe of Bani Tamim, said, "O Allah's Apostle! Act justly." The Prophets said, "Woe to you! Who else would act justly if I did not act justly?" 'Umar said (to the Prophet ), "Allow me to chop his neck off." The Prophet said, "No, for he has companions (who are apparently so pious that) if anyone of (you compares his prayer with) their prayer, he will consider his prayer inferior to theirs, and similarly his fasting inferior to theirs, but they will desert Islam (go out of religion) as an arrow goes through the victim's body (games etc.) in which case if its Nasl is examined nothing will be seen thereon, and if its Nady is examined, nothing will be seen thereon, and if its Qudhadh is examined, nothing will be seen thereon, for the arrow has gone out too fast even for the excretions and blood to smear over it......
Tafsir Ibn Kathir
Qatadah commented on Allah’s statement We were told that a bedouin man, who had recently embraced Islam, came to the Prophet , when he was dividing some gold and silver, and said to him, `O Muhammad! Even though Allah commanded you to divide in fairness, you have not done so.' The Prophet of Allah said, (Woe to you! Who would be fair to you after me then) The Prophet of Allah said next, (Beware of this man and his likes! There are similar persons in my Ummah who recite the Qur'an, but the Qur'an will not go beyond their throat. If they rise then kill them, if they rise, kill them, then if they rise kill them. We were also told that the Prophet of Allah used to say, (By He in Whose Hand is my life! I do not give or withhold anything; I am only a keeper.)'' This statement from Qatadah is similar to the Hadith that the Two Shaykhs narrated from Abu Sa`id about the story of Dhul-Khuwaysirah, whose name was Hurqus. Hurqus protested against the Prophet's division of the war spoils of Hunayn, saying, "Be fair, for you have not been fair!'' The Prophet said, (I would have become a loser and a failure if I was not fair!) The Messenger said after that man left, (Among the offspring of this man will be some with whose prayer, when one of you sees it, would belittle his prayer, and his fast as compared to their fast. They will be renegades from the religion, just like an arrow goes through the game's body. Wherever you find them, kill them, for verily, they are the worst dead people under the cover of the sky.) Allah said next, while directing such people to what is more beneficial for them than their behavior,
This hadith is taken by the exegetes as a prophecy, and a warning, about the nature of the Kharijites(and the Wahhabi/Salafi/Ahle Hadith who are the Neo Kharijites). There is a certain type of believing zealot who goes into religion so hard that he comes out the other side, with little or nothing of it remaining with him.
One expert who confirms this is the Hanbali scholar revered by the Wahabis, Ibn al-Jawzi . In his book Talbis Iblis. (Beirut, 1403, p.88) under the chapter heading ‘A Mention of the Devil’s Delusion upon the Kharijites’ he narrates the hadith, and then writes: ‘This man was called Dhu al-Khuwaysira al-Tamimi. [...] He was the first Kharijite in Islam. His fault was to be satisfied with his own view; had he paused he would have realised that there is no view superior to that of Allah’s Messenger (s.w.s.).’
Ibn al-Jawzi goes on to document the development of the Kharijite movement, and the central role played by the tribe of Tamim in it. Hence (p.89) ‘The commander of the Kharijites, at Harura was Shabib ibn Rab‘i al-Tamimi’ from Bani Tamim ;. All this even though their camp sounded like a beehive, so assiduously were they reciting the Qur’an (p.91).
The Kharijite movement proper commenced at the Siffin arbitration, when the first dissenters left the army of the Hazrat Ali (r.a). One of them was Abu Bilal Mirdas, a member of the tribe of Tamim , who despite his constant worship and recitation of the Qur’an became one of the most brutal of the Kharijite zealots. He is remembered as the first who said the Tahkim – the formula ‘The judgment is Allah’s alone’ – on the Day of Siffin, which became the slogan of later Kharijite activism.
In his long analysis of the Kharijite movement, Imam Abd al-Qahir al-Baghdadi also describes the intimate involvement of Tamimites, and of Central Arabians generally, noting that the tribes of Yemen and Hijaz contributed hardly anyone to the Kharijite forces.
(Imam Abd al-Qahir al-Baghdadi, , 80; see the note to p.76 for the full identification of Dhu’l-Khuwaysira.)
As Imam Abd al-Qahir gives his account of the early Kharijite rebellions, replete with appalling massacres of innocent Muslim civilians, he makes it clear that the leaders of each of the significant Kharijite movements hailed from Najd. For instance, the Azariqa, one of the most vicious and widespread Khariji movements, were led by Nafi‘ ibn al-Azraq, who was from the Najdi tribe of Banu Hanifa (al-Farq bayn al-firaq (Cairo, n.d.), 82). As the Imam records, ‘Nafi and his followers considered the territory of those who opposed them to be Dar al-Kufr, in which one could slaughter their women and children. [. . .]
They used to say: “Our opponents are mushriks, and hence we are not obliged to return anything we hold in trust to them.’ (Abd al-Qahir, 84.) After his death in battle, ‘the Azariqa pledged their allegiance to Ubaydallah ibn Ma’mun al-Tamimi. Al-Muhallab then fought them at Ahwaz, where Ubaidallah ibn Ma’mun himself died, along with his brother Uthman ibn Ma’mun and three hundred of the most fanatical of the Azariqa. The remainder retreated to Aydaj, where they pledged their allegiance to Qatari ibn al-Fuja’a, whom they called Amir al-Mu’minin.(again Bani Tamimi)’ (Abd al-Qahir, 85-6.)
The Azariqa, who massacred countless tens of thousands of Muslims who refused to accept their views, had a rival in the Najdiyya faction of the Kharijites. These were named after Najda ibn Amir, a member of the tribe of Hanifa; Najda himself maintained his army in Yamama, which is part of Najd. (Abd al-Qahir, 87.)
As is the way with Kharijism in all ages, the Najdiyya fragmented amid heated arguments generated by their intolerance of any dissent. . The causes of this schism included the Kharijite attack on Madina, which came away with many captives; and different Kharijite ijtihads over sexual relations with Muslim women who, not being Kharijites, they had enslaved. Three major factions emerged from this split, the most dangerous of which was led by Atiyya ibn al-Aswad, again of the tribe of Hanifa. Following Najda’s death, his own faction split, again into three, one of which left Najd to raid the vicinity of Basra (Abd al-Qahir, 90-1).
[Special Thanx to Brother Sahan]
Circle Indicates the region of Najd.
These wahabi Hypocrites have once again started to decive the Muslim Ummah by twisting the Hadiths and make it appear that Najd is not Najd but Iraq and Bani Tamim is the praised one. ?
In addition to above, these hypocrites have also claimed that Sunnis have done forgery in the Hadiths translation by replacing the word Iraq with Najd . I will insha allah try to refute each and every of there claims.
Refuting the claim of Whabis that Sunnis have replace the word Iraq by Najd in the Hadith.
Sahi Bukhari (Book #88, Hadith #214)
1. Narrated Ibn ‘Umar: The Prophet (s)said, “O Allah! Bestow Your blessings on our Sham! O Allah! Bestow Your blessings on our Yemen.” The People said, “And also on our NAJD.” He said, “O Allah! Bestow Your blessings on our Sham (north)! O Allah! Bestow Your blessings on our Yemen.” The people said, “O Allah’s Apostle! And also on our NAJD.” I think the third time the Prophet (s) said, “There (in NAJD) is the place of earthquakes and afflictions and from there comes out the side of the head of Satan.”
Sahih Bukhari Volume 2, Book 17, Number 147:
Narrated Ibn 'Umar: (The Prophet) said, "O Allah! Bless our Sham and our Yemen." People said, "Our Najd as well." The Prophet again said, "O Allah! Bless our Sham and Yemen." They said again, "Our Najd as well." On that the Prophet said, "There will appear earthquakes and afflictions, and from there will come out the side of the head of Satan."
A further confirmation is in the account of the qunût of the Prophet against the tribes of Najd. `Amir ibn Malik came to the Prophet in the 4th year of the Hijra, neither accepting nor rejecting Islam. Instead he said: “O Muhammad! If you send some of your Companions to the people of Najd to call them to your affair, I have hope that they shall respond favorably to you.” The Prophet replied: “Truly I fear for them [harm] from the people of Najd” (innî akshâ `alayhim ahla Najd). `Amir said: “I proclaim that they are under my protection.” The Prophet then sent seventy men from the elite of the Ansar. They travelled until they alighted at the Well of Ma`una, at which time they sent Haram ibn Malhan with the letter of the Messenger of Allah to `Amir ibn al-Tufayl. The latter did not look at the letter but instead killed Haram ibn Malhan. Then he called upon the Banu `Amir for assistance to kill the rest of the Muslim group, but they declined to challenge `Amir ibn Malik’s protectorate. So `Amir ibn al-Tufayl called upon the following tribes of the Banu Sulaym: `Usayya, Ra`l, Dhakwan, and they responded to him. They formed an expedition and surrounded the group with their mounts. The Muslims were killed to the last man but for `Amr ibn Umayya al-Dumari who returned to Madina. The Prophet was deeply affected by their death and remained supplicating (yaqnutu) for one month during the dawn prayer against the (Najdi) Banu Sulaym tribes of Ra`l, Dhakwan, Banu Lahyan, and `Usayya
Hadith cited by al-Tabari in his Tarikh (2:81) and – in parts – from Anas by al-Bukhari; al-Bayhaqi, al-Sunan al-Kubra (9:225 #18587), Abu Ya`la (5:448), Ahmad, al-Tahawi in Sharh Ma`ani al-Athar (1:244 waj`al qulûbahum `alâ qulubi nisâ’a kawâfir).
There are many hadiths in which the Messenger (s.w.s.) praised particular lands. It is significant that although Najd is the closest of lands to Makka and Madina, it is not praised by any one of these hadiths. The first hadith cited above shows the Messenger’s willingness to pray for Syria and Yemen, and his insistent refusal to pray for Najd. And wherever Najd is mentioned, it is clearly seen as a problematic territory.
Consider, for instance, the following noble hadith:
Amr ibn Abasa said: ‘Allah’s Messenger (s.w.s.) was one day reviewing the horses, in the company of Uyayna ibn Hisn ibn Badr al-Fazari.[. . .] Uyayna remarked: “The best of men are those who bear their swords on their shoulders, and carry their lances in the woven stocks of their horses, wearing cloaks, and are the people of the Najd.” But Allah’s Messenger (s.w.s.) replied: “You lie! Rather, the best of men are the men of the Yemen. Faith is a Yemeni, the Yemen of [the tribes of] Lakhm and Judham and Amila. [. . .] Hadramawt is better than the tribe of Harith; one tribe is better than another; another is worse [. . .] My Lord commanded me to curse Quraysh, and I cursed them, but he then commanded me to bless them twice, and I did so [. . .] Aslam and Ghifar, and their associates of Juhaina, are better than Asad and Tamim and Ghatafan and Hawazin, in the sight of Allah on the Day of Rising. [. . .] The most numerous tribe in the Garden shall be [the Yemeni tribes of] Madhhij and Ma’kul.’
(Ahmad ibn Hanbal and al-Tabarani, by sound narrators. Cited in Ali ibn Abu Bakr al-Haythami, Majma‘ al-zawa’id wa manba‘ al-fawa’id [Cairo, 1352], X, 43).
The Messenger (sws) says ‘You lie!’ to a man who praises Najd. Nowhere does he extol Najd – quite the contrary. But in other hadiths in praise of other lands abound
Apart from the above Hadith where the word Najd has been explicitly used there are numerous Hadith where our Beloved Prophets(SAW) is CLEALRY POINTING HIS HAND TOWARDS EAST WHILE STANDING IN MEDINAH AND CLEALRY SAYING THAT THE FITNAH AND DEVIL WILL COME FROM EAST. However before proceeding toward them let us first puncture the claim of these by clarifying what our Prophets(SAW) and Sahabas(ra) meant by Najd
Proof 1
Sahi Bukhari(Book #59, Hadith #455)
Narrated Ibn ‘Umar: I took part in a Ghazwa towards NAJD along with Allah’s Apostle and we clashed with the enemy, and we lined up for them.
Some more proof about the location of Najd
Sahih Bukhari Volume 3 : Book 41 : Hadith 605 :
Narrated by Abu Huraira:
The Prophet sent some horsemen to Najd and they arrested and brought a man called Thumama bin Uthal from the tribe of Bani Hanifa, and they fastened him to one of the pillars of the Mosque
Note: Ibn Saud belongs to the tribe of Bani Hanifa
Sahih Bukhari Volume 2 Book No. 14 Hadith No.64:
Narrated Shu'aib:
I asked Az-Zuhri, "Did the Prophet ever offer the Fear Prayer?" Az-Zuhri said, "I was told by Salim that `Abdullah bin `Umar I had said, 'I took part in a holy battle with Allah's Apostle I in Najd. We faced the enemy and arranged ourselves in rows........
Muslim Book 19, Number 4330:
It has been narrated on the authority of Ibn Umar that the Prophet (may peace be upon him) sent an expedition to Najd and I was among the troops. They got a large number of camels as a booty. Eleven or twelve camels fell to the lot of every fighter and each of them also got one extra camel.
It is also established in the authentic Sunna that after Abu Talib’s death by about three years, in the 10th year of the Hijra, on the actual night that the Prophet was preparing to leave Makka for Madina, the plot to kill him by the collective hand of a conspiracy ofthe tribes was hatched up by Iblis in the guise of a venerable old man (shaykh jalîl) who, when asked who he was, he simply answered”An old man from Najd” (shaykhun min Najd). The reports go on to refer to him as “The Old Man from Najd” (al-shaykh al-najdî).
Hadith cited by Ibn Hisham, al-Sira al-Nabawiyya (3:6-8); al-Tabari, Tafsir (9:227-228) and Tarikh (1:566-567); Ibn Kathir, Tafsir (“sahîh” 2:303 on verse 8:30) and al-Bidaya wa al-Nihaya; al-Suyuti, al-Durr al-Manthur (verse 8:30)
Sahih Bukhari, Volume 2, Book 26, Number 606:
Narrated Ibn Umar:
When these two towns (Basra and Kufa) were captured, the people went to 'Umar and said, "O the Chief of the faithful believers! The Prophet fixed Qarn as the Miqat for the people of Najd, it is beyond our way and it is difficult for us to pass through it." He said, "Take as your Miqat a place situated opposite to Qarn on your usual way. So, he fixed Dhatu-Irq (as their Miqat).".
Hadith Imam Nasa’i (Manasik al-Hajj, 22)
In a hadith narrated by Imam Nasa’i (Manasik al-Hajj, 22), ‘A’isha (r.a.) narrated that ‘Allah’s Messenger (s.w.s.) established the miqat for the people of Madina at Dhu’l-Hulayfa, for the people of Syria and Egypt at al-Juhfa, for the people of Iraq at Dhat Irq, and for the people of Najd at Qarn, and for the Yemenis at Yalamlam.
So from above Hadiths the following conclusion can be drawn
1. PROPHET MUHAMMAD (SAW) CLEARLY distinguished between Najd and Iraq, so much so that he appointed two SEPARATE miqat points for the inhabitants of each during Hajj. For Prophet Muhammad (s.w.s.), clearly, Najd did not include Iraq.
2. From the Hadith of Abu Huraira(ra) (cited above)the tribe of Bani Hanifa is associated with Najd. We all know that the tribe of Bani Hanifa(Ibn Sauds tribe) belongs to Najd in Saudi Arabia.
3. Apart from the various Hadiths quoted above there are numerous Hadith where it has been mentioned that Prophet(SAW) led a compaign against the Najd. Now, we all know that Prophet(SAW) has never led a compaign against the Iraq. So it is crystal clear that the Najd mentioned in the Hadith is the Najd of todays Saudi Arabia.
Now coming toward the lie of these Hypocrites when they quote the opinion of Al Khattabi(ra) mentioned by Ibn Hajar(ra) “the najd in the direction of the east, and for the one who is in Madeenah then his Najd would be the desert of Iraaq and it's regions [baadiya al-Iraaq wa Nawaaheehaa] for this is to the east of the People of Madeenah”
One can only laugh at these Hypocrites wahabis who claim to follows only Quran and Authentic Hadith. How conveniently they run away from the Quran and Sunnah when any thing goes against there fitnah, by citing the opinion of a scholar and tend to negate the Sahih Hadith.
In addition to the above they also claim that there were more then 10 places know as Najd at the time of Prophet(SAW).
Again refer to the above cited Hadith of Sahi Muslim Book 7, Hadith Number 2666 where the Prophet (SAW.) declared the Miqat for the people of Najd at Qarn separate from the people of Iraq . Now, one may wonder if there were more then 10 Najd then where were the Miqat for Najd1, Najd2, Najd3 and so on. …..
Further according to the Shayk ul Islam of Wahabis Ibn Taymyyia
“Those that committed apostasy after his(Prophet Muhammads) death – Allah bless and greet him –were ONLY those that entered Islam with the sword, such as the companions of Musaylima and the people of Najd.”
Ibn Taymiyya, Minhaj al-Sunna (1986 ed. 7:478).
Note: Musaylima belongs to the tribe of Bani Tamim. I will Insha allah post greater detail about him when I will deal with the tribe of Bani Tamim(one of the main Najdi tribe)
Now coming to the Hadith where the Prophet(SAW) has pointed toward the East.
1. Ibn ‘Umar reported that he heard Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying (in a state) that he had turned his face towards the EAST: Behold, turmoil would appear from this side, from where the horns of Satan would appear.
Sahi Muslim (Book #041, Hadith #6938
2. Ibn ‘Umar reported that Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) stood by the door (of the apartment of) gafsa and, pointing towards the EAST , he said: The turmoil would appear from this side, viz. where the horns of Satan would appear, and he uttered these words twice or thrice and Ubaidullah b. Sa’ld in his narration said. The Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) had been standing by the door of ‘A’isha.
Sahi Muslim (Book #041, Hadith #6939
3. It is narrated on the authority of Abu Huraira that the Messenger of Allah (may peace and blessings be upon him) remarked: The summit of unbelief is towards the EAST and the pride and conceitedness is found among the owners of horses and camels who are rude and uncivil, people of the tents, and tranquility is found among those who rear goats and sheep.
Sahi Muslim (Book #001, Hadith #0087
4. Sahl b. Hunaif reported Allah’s Apostle Salla Allahu ta’ala ‘alayhi wa Sallam as saying: There would arise from the east a people with shaven heads.
Sahi Muslim (Book #005, Hadith #2338)
5. Malik related to me from Abdullah ibn Dinar Radi Allahu anhuthat Abdullah ibn Umar Radi Allahu anhu said, “ I saw the Messenger of Allah Salla Allahu ta’ala ‘alayhi wa Sallam pointing at the EAST and saying, ‘The cause of dissension is here. The cause of dissension is here, from where the helpers of shaytan arise.’ “
Imam Malik’s MUWATTA(Book #54, Hadith #54.11.29)
The main arguement put forward by the Wahabis to confuse the Muslim Ummah that the east referred in the above Hadith is not Najd(which is immediately east to the Madina) but Iraq is the following Hadith .
Ibn Fudail reported on the authority of his father that he heard Salim b. ‘Abdullah b. ‘Umar as saying: O people of Iraq, how strange it is that you ask about the minor sins but commit major sins?——— I (Salim b.Abdullah Ibn Umar) heard from my father ‘Abdullah b. ‘Umar, narrating that he heard Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying while pointing his hand towards the EAST: Verily. the turmoil would come from this side, from where appear the horns of Satan and you would strike the necks of one another;————-
and Moses killed a person from among the people of Pharaoh unintentionally and Allah, the Exalted and Glorious, said:” You killed a person but We relieved you from the grief and tried you with (many a) trial” (xx. 40). Ahmad b. Umar reported this hadith from Salim, but he did not make a mention of the words:” I heard”.
Sahi Muslim (Book #041, Hadith #6943)
What these Wahabi Hypocrites fail to realize that in the above hadith. Salim b.Abdullah Ibn Umar(r) was adressing the Kufa Hypocrites of Iraq who fought Against Imam Husaain (ra) and Mayterd him,the Khawrij came from NAJD ( Central Part of Arabia which lies East to Hejaz or Medina) , but later made Iraq their base to wage the evil war against Hadrat Ali (ra) and Hadrat Muawiya (ra) and so they brought their Fitnah from Najd in Saudi Arabia to Iraq as well.
Moreover the fact that that Salim ibn `Abd Allah ibn `Umar applied this hadith to the people of Iraq does not limit its meaning to them. It only confirms that the Prophet(SAW) foresaw the dissension of the Khawârij among other dissensions hailing from the East(Najd), such as that of Musaylima the Liar and others:
Proofs from Sahih Hadiths that East refers to the region of Najd.
Hadiths Narrated by ABDULLLAH IBN UMAR(RA) .
Hadiths where the word East has been used.
Ibn ‘Umar reported that he heard Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying (in a state) that he had turned his face towards the EAST: Behold, turmoil would appear from this side, from where the horns of Satan would appear. Sahi Muslim (Book #041, Hadith #6938
Hadith where the word Najd has been used.
Sahi Bukhari (Book #88, Hadith #214)
Narrated Ibn ‘Umar: The Prophet (s)said, “O Allah! Bestow Your blessings on our Sham! O Allah! Bestow Your blessings on our Yemen.” The People said, “And also on our NAJD.” He said, “O Allah! Bestow Your blessings on our Sham (north)! O Allah! Bestow Your blessings on our Yemen.” The people said, “O Allah’s Apostle! And also on our NAJD.” I think the third time the Prophet (s) said, “There (in NAJD) is the place of earthquakes and afflictions and from there comes out the side of the head of Satan.”
Hadith which refers to the Najd in Saudi Arabia
Sahi Bukhari (Book #59, Hadith #455)
Narrated Ibn ‘Umar: I took part in a Ghazwa towards NAJD along with Allah’s Apostle and we clashed with the enemy, and we lined up for them.
In this Hadith the word Najd has been explicitly been used and it did not refers to Iraq since Prophet(SAW) did not participated in any battle in Iraq.
Thus the above Hadiths make it crystal clear that Abdullah Ibn Umar clearly cited Najd as the Original place of Fitnah from where the Devils Horn will rise instead of Iraq and the East refers to Najd in particular.
Hadiths narrated by Abu Sa`id Al-Khudri[ra] in the Sahih Bukhari.
Hadith where the word East has been used
Bukhari Volume 9 Hadith No. 651:
Narrated Abu Sa`id Al-Khudri:
The Prophet said, "There will emerge from the East some people who will recite the Qur'an but it will not exceed their throats and who will go out of (renounce) the religion (Islam) as an arrow passes through the game, and they will never come back to it unless the arrow, comes back to the middle of the bow (by itself) (i.e., impossible). The people asked, "What will their signs be?" He said, "Their sign will be the habit of shaving. Hadith where the tribe of Bani Tamim is referred
Sahih Bukhari Volume 8 : Book 73 : Hadith 184 :
Narrated by Abu Said Al-Khudri:
While the Prophet was distributing (war booty etc.) one day, Dhul Khawaisira, a man from the tribe of Bani Tamim, said, "O Allah's Apostle! Act justly." The Prophets said, "Woe to you! Who else would act justly if I did not act justly?" 'Umar said (to the Prophet ), "Allow me to chop his neck off."The Prophet said, "No, for he has companions (who are apparently so pious that) if anyone of (you compares his prayer with) their prayer, he will consider his prayer inferior to theirs, and similarly his fasting inferior to theirs, but they will desert Islam (go out of religion) as an arrow goes through the victim's body (games etc.) in which case if its Nasl is examined nothing will be seen thereon, and if its Nady is examined, nothing will be seen thereon, and if its Qudhadh is examined, nothing will be seen thereon, for the arrow has gone out too fast even for the excretions and blood to smear over it. Such people will come out at the time of difference among the (Muslim) people and the sign by which they will be recognized, will be a man whose one of the two hands will look like the breast of a woman or a lump of flesh moving loosely." Abu Said added, "I testify that I heard that from the Prophet and also testify that I was with 'Ali when 'Ali fought against those people. The man described by the Prophet was searched for among the killed, and was found, and he was exactly as the Prophet had described him." (See Hadith No. 807, Vol. 4)
Note the similarity in the underline statement of Prophet(SAW) in the above two Hadiths. In the first Hadith narrated by Abu Said Al-Khudri(ra),Prophet(SAW) is pointing toward East and in the second Hadith Prophets is directly commenting on the ppl of Bani Tamim of Najd. So we can say now that Alhamdolillah , the attempt by these Hypocrites Wahabis to create confusion is once again shattered
...................Bani Tamim and other tribes of Najd....................
Before giving overwhelming Proof from Quran and Sahih Hadith against Najd, let us first analyse the claim of these Wahabis that Banu Tamim the Tribe of Ibn Abdul Wahhab Najdi and Banu Hanifa the Tribe of Ibn Saud Najdi was Praised by Prophet (saw) ?
Sahih Al-Bukhari Hadith 3.719
Narrated byAbu Huraira I have loved the people of the tribe of Bani Tamim ever since I heard, three things, Allah’s Apostle said about them. I heard him saying,: “These people (of the tribe of Bani Tamim) would stand firm against Ad-Dajjal.” When the Sadaqat from that tribe came, Allah’s Apostle said, “These are the Sadaqat of our folk.” ‘Aisha had a slave-girl from that tribe, and the Prophet said to ‘Aisha, “Manumit her as she is a descendant of Ishmael (the Prophet).”
The above hadith clearly indicates that the rigour of the Tamimites will be used for, and not against, Islam in the finalculminating battle against the Dajjal; and this is unquestionably a merit. The second point is less significant, since all the Arabs are descendents of Ismail; while the variant readings of the third point make it difficult to establish its significance in an unambiguous way. Even the most positive interpretation, however, allows us to conclude no more than that the Messenger (s.w.s.) was pleased with that tribe at the moment it paid its zakat. As we shall see, in later posts that the payment of zakat proved to be short-lived.
Sahih Bukhari 3.720: Narrated Abu Musa: Allah's Apostle said, "He who has a slave−girl and educates and treats her nicely and then manumits and marries her, will get a double reward."
So the order regarding manumitting the slave girl was not just due to her association to the tribe of Bani Tamim
Another Hadith
Volume 4, Book 54, Number 413:(Sahih Bukhari)
Narrated 'Imran bin Husain: Some people of Bani Tamim came to the Prophet and he said (to them), "O Bani Tamim! rejoice with glad tidings." They said, "You have given us glad tidings, now give us something." On hearing that the color of his face changed then the people of Yemen came to him and he said, "O people of Yemen ! Accept the good tidings, as Bani Tamim has refused them....
The hadith of praise is overruled by this hadith of Bukhari . As we know that Marfu hadith supercedes Mawquf hadith. The Prophet has himself "NOT SAID THAT HE LOVED BANI TAMIM" . The ppl of Bani Tameem refused the GLAD TIDING FROM THE PROPHET(SAW].. The act of the ppl of Bani Tamim was so disgraceful that it changed the "COLOUR OF THE FACE OF PROPHET(SAW)"
Some more Proof from Holy Quran and Hadith which a Wahabi will never show.
1. Holy Quran Surah 9:97
“The bedouins are the worst in the disbelief and hypocrisy, and are more likely to be in ignorance of the limits which Allah has revealed to his messenger.”
Note : Najd in Saudi Arabia has traditionally been occupied by nomadic Bedouins
Tafsir Ibn Kathir
The Bedouins are the Worst in Disbelief and Hypocrisy Allah states that there are disbelievers, hypocrites and believers among the bedouins. He also states that the disbelief and hypocrisy of the bedouins is worse and deeper than the disbelief and hypocrisy of others. They are the most likely of being ignorant of the commandments that Allah has revealed to His Messenger .
Imam Ahmad narrated that Ibn `Abbas said that the Messenger of Allah said He who lives in the desert becomes hard-hearted, he who follows the game becomes heedless, and he who associates with the rulers falls into Fitnah.) Abu Dawud, At-Tirmidhi and An-Nasa'i collected this Hadith. At-Tirmidhi said, "Hasan Gharib.'' The Prophet once had to give a bedouin man many gifts because of what he gave him as a gift, until the bedouin became satisfied. The Prophet said, I almost decided not to accept a gift except from someone from Quraysh, Thaqafi, the Ansar or Daws.).
2. An early indication of the nature of the Tamimites is given by Allah himself in Sura al-Hujurat. In aya 4 of this sura,
Allah(SWT) says: ‘Those who call you from behind the chambers: most of them have no sense.’
The aya was revealed in connection with the delegation of the Banu Tamim who came to the Prophet (s.w.s.). They entered the mosque, and approached the chambers of his wives. They stood outside them and called: “Muhammad! Come out to us!” an action which expressed a good deal of harshness, crudeness and disrespect. Allah’s Messenger (s.w.s.) waited a while, and then came out to them. One of them, known as al-Aqra‘ ibn Habis, said: “Muhammad! To praise me is beautiful, and to criticise me is shameful!” And the Messenger (s.w.s.) replied: “Woe betide you! That is the due of Allah.”’ (Imam Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn Juzayy, al-Tashil [Beirut, 1403], p.702. See also the other tafsir works; also Ibn Hazm, Jamharat ansab al-‘Arab [Cairo, 1382], 208, in the chapter on Tamim.)
Allah (SWT) himself is saying the Bani Tamimi people to be having no sense and the Prophets(SAW) said: Woe Betide You
4. Sahih Bukhari :Volume 4, Book 56, Number 718:
Narrated Abu Bakra:
The Prophet said, "Do you think that the tribes of Juhaina, Muzaina, Aslam and Ghifar are better than the tribes of Bani Tamim, Bani Asad, Bam 'Abdullah bin Ghatafan and Bani Amir bin Sasaa?" A man said, "They were unsuccessful and losers." The Prophet added," (Yes), they are better than the tribes of Bani Tamim, Bani Asad, Bani Abdullah bin Ghatafan and Bani Amir bin Sasaa.
5. Perhaps the best-known of any hadith about a Tamimite, which again draws our attention to their misplaced zeal, is the hadith of Dhu’l-Khuwaysira. But before this let us see what Quran says about that incident
Holy Quran Surah 9 :58
" And of them are some who accuse you concerning (the distribution of) the alms. If they are given part thereof, they are pleased, but if they are not given thereof, behold! They are enraged!) (59. Would that they were content with what Allah and His Messenger gave them and had said: "Allah is sufficient for us. Allah will give us of His bounty, and so will His Messenger. We implore Allah (to enrich us).''
Sahih Bukhari Volume 8 : Book 73 : Hadith 184 :
Narrated by Abu Said Al-Khudri:
While the Prophet was distributing (war booty etc.) one day, Dhul Khawaisira, a man from the tribe of Bani Tamim, said, "O Allah's Apostle! Act justly." The Prophets said, "Woe to you! Who else would act justly if I did not act justly?" 'Umar said (to the Prophet ), "Allow me to chop his neck off." The Prophet said, "No, for he has companions (who are apparently so pious that) if anyone of (you compares his prayer with) their prayer, he will consider his prayer inferior to theirs, and similarly his fasting inferior to theirs, but they will desert Islam (go out of religion) as an arrow goes through the victim's body (games etc.) in which case if its Nasl is examined nothing will be seen thereon, and if its Nady is examined, nothing will be seen thereon, and if its Qudhadh is examined, nothing will be seen thereon, for the arrow has gone out too fast even for the excretions and blood to smear over it......
Tafsir Ibn Kathir
Qatadah commented on Allah’s statement We were told that a bedouin man, who had recently embraced Islam, came to the Prophet , when he was dividing some gold and silver, and said to him, `O Muhammad! Even though Allah commanded you to divide in fairness, you have not done so.' The Prophet of Allah said, (Woe to you! Who would be fair to you after me then) The Prophet of Allah said next, (Beware of this man and his likes! There are similar persons in my Ummah who recite the Qur'an, but the Qur'an will not go beyond their throat. If they rise (against Muslims rulers) then kill them, if they rise, kill them, then if they rise kill them.) We were also told that the Prophet of Allah used to say, (By He in Whose Hand is my life! I do not give or withhold anything; I am only a keeper.)'' This statement from Qatadah is similar to the Hadith that the Two Shaykhs narrated from Abu Sa`id about the story of Dhul-Khuwaysirah, whose name was Hurqus. Hurqus protested against the Prophet's division of the war spoils of Hunayn, saying, "Be fair, for you have not been fair!'' The Prophet said, (I would have become a loser and a failure if I was not fair!) The Messenger said after that man left, (Among the offspring of this man will be some with whose prayer, when one of you sees it, would belittle his prayer, and his fast as compared to their fast. They will be renegades from the religion, just like an arrow goes through the game's body. Wherever you find them, kill them, for verily, they are the worst dead people under the cover of the sky.) Allah said next, while directing such people to what is more beneficial for them than their behavior,
Before giving detail account of it …. Plz note that Bani Tamim and Bani Hanifa are the most dominant tribes of Najd….. and Ibn Saud belongs to Bani Hanifa and Ibn Wahab belongs to Bani Tamim
The Ridda: the First Fitna
The historians affirm that the great majority of the rebellions against the payment of zakat which broke out during the khilafa of Hazrat Abu Bakr (r.a.) after the Wafat of our beloved Prophet(SAW), took place among Najdis. Moreoever, and even more significantly, many of the the Najdi rebellions were grounded in a strange anti-Islamic ideology.
The best-known of these was led by Musaylima kazzab from the tribe of Bani Hanifa, who claimed to be a prophet, and who established a rival shari‘a which included quasi-Muslim rituals such as forms of fasting and dietary rules. He followed the Islamic prayer rules, but abolished the Fajr and the Isha prayers. One of his so-called ‘revelations’ ran with respect to his beloved Bani Tamim:
Banu Tamim is a tribe of purity,
a free people, with no fault in them,
neither do they pay a tribute.
We shall be their allies of protection,
good to them for as long as we live!
We shall protect them from everyone,
and when we die, their affair is with al-Rahman.
(al-Tabari, Tarikh al-Rusul wa’l-Muluk [Beirut, 1407], II, 276).
As leader of a rival religion, he and his Najdi enthusiasts were in a state of baghy, heretical revolt against due caliphal authority,
In the year 12 of the Hijra Hazrat Khalid bin Walid (ra) defeated the Najdis at the Battle of al-Aqraba, a bloody clash that centred on a walled garden which is known to our historians as the Garden of Death, because hundreds of great Companions lost their lives there at the hands of the Najdis. The Muslim battle-cry was not the invocation of a tribe or an ancestor, instead it was, ‘Ya Muhammadah!’ (Tabari, 281.).
The pseudo-prophet was killed by Wahshi, the Ethiopian slave The killing of the prophet of Najdi pride by a man of such humble origins was a powerful symbol of the principles that were at stake. (See Abdallah ibn Muslim Ibn Qutayba, Kitab al-Ma‘arif [Cairo, 1960], p.206; Ahmad ibn Yahya al-Baladhuri, Futuh al-buldan [repr. Beirut, n.d., p.86.])
The other ringleader of Najdi rebellion against the khilafa was a woman known as Sajah, whose full name was Umm Sadir bint Aws, and who belonged to the tribe of Tamim. She made claims to prophethood in the name of a rabb who was ‘in the clouds’, and who gave her revelations by which she succeeded in uniting sections of the Tamim who had argued among themselves over the extent to which they should reject the authority of Madina. Leading several campaigns against tribes who remained loyal to Islam, the Najdi prophetess is said to have thrown in her lot with Musaylima. Other than this, little is known of her fate. (Ibn Qutayba, Ma‘arif, p.405; Baladhuri, Futuh, pp.99-100.)
The wahabis tend to deceive the Muslim Ummah and negate the Sahih Hadith about Najd by saying that fitnah of Kharijites occured in Iraq… Now let us look who where these Kharijites .
Before proceeding let us look at the Hadith in which our Prophets (SAW) predicted the characteristic and zealot of this group.
Sahih Bukhari Volume 8 : Book 73 : Hadith 184 :
Narrated by Abu Said Al-Khudri:
While the Prophet was distributing (war booty etc.) one day, Dhul Khawaisira, a man from the tribe of Bani Tamim, said, "O Allah's Apostle! Act justly." The Prophets said, "Woe to you! Who else would act justly if I did not act justly?" 'Umar said (to the Prophet ), "Allow me to chop his neck off." The Prophet said, "No, for he has companions (who are apparently so pious that) if anyone of (you compares his prayer with) their prayer, he will consider his prayer inferior to theirs, and similarly his fasting inferior to theirs, but they will desert Islam (go out of religion) as an arrow goes through the victim's body (games etc.) in which case if its Nasl is examined nothing will be seen thereon, and if its Nady is examined, nothing will be seen thereon, and if its Qudhadh is examined, nothing will be seen thereon, for the arrow has gone out too fast even for the excretions and blood to smear over it......
Tafsir Ibn Kathir
Qatadah commented on Allah’s statement We were told that a bedouin man, who had recently embraced Islam, came to the Prophet , when he was dividing some gold and silver, and said to him, `O Muhammad! Even though Allah commanded you to divide in fairness, you have not done so.' The Prophet of Allah said, (Woe to you! Who would be fair to you after me then) The Prophet of Allah said next, (Beware of this man and his likes! There are similar persons in my Ummah who recite the Qur'an, but the Qur'an will not go beyond their throat. If they rise then kill them, if they rise, kill them, then if they rise kill them. We were also told that the Prophet of Allah used to say, (By He in Whose Hand is my life! I do not give or withhold anything; I am only a keeper.)'' This statement from Qatadah is similar to the Hadith that the Two Shaykhs narrated from Abu Sa`id about the story of Dhul-Khuwaysirah, whose name was Hurqus. Hurqus protested against the Prophet's division of the war spoils of Hunayn, saying, "Be fair, for you have not been fair!'' The Prophet said, (I would have become a loser and a failure if I was not fair!) The Messenger said after that man left, (Among the offspring of this man will be some with whose prayer, when one of you sees it, would belittle his prayer, and his fast as compared to their fast. They will be renegades from the religion, just like an arrow goes through the game's body. Wherever you find them, kill them, for verily, they are the worst dead people under the cover of the sky.) Allah said next, while directing such people to what is more beneficial for them than their behavior,
This hadith is taken by the exegetes as a prophecy, and a warning, about the nature of the Kharijites(and the Wahhabi/Salafi/Ahle Hadith who are the Neo Kharijites). There is a certain type of believing zealot who goes into religion so hard that he comes out the other side, with little or nothing of it remaining with him.
One expert who confirms this is the Hanbali scholar revered by the Wahabis, Ibn al-Jawzi . In his book Talbis Iblis. (Beirut, 1403, p.88) under the chapter heading ‘A Mention of the Devil’s Delusion upon the Kharijites’ he narrates the hadith, and then writes: ‘This man was called Dhu al-Khuwaysira al-Tamimi. [...] He was the first Kharijite in Islam. His fault was to be satisfied with his own view; had he paused he would have realised that there is no view superior to that of Allah’s Messenger (s.w.s.).’
Ibn al-Jawzi goes on to document the development of the Kharijite movement, and the central role played by the tribe of Tamim in it. Hence (p.89) ‘The commander of the Kharijites, at Harura was Shabib ibn Rab‘i al-Tamimi’ from Bani Tamim ;. All this even though their camp sounded like a beehive, so assiduously were they reciting the Qur’an (p.91).
The Kharijite movement proper commenced at the Siffin arbitration, when the first dissenters left the army of the Hazrat Ali (r.a). One of them was Abu Bilal Mirdas, a member of the tribe of Tamim , who despite his constant worship and recitation of the Qur’an became one of the most brutal of the Kharijite zealots. He is remembered as the first who said the Tahkim – the formula ‘The judgment is Allah’s alone’ – on the Day of Siffin, which became the slogan of later Kharijite activism.
In his long analysis of the Kharijite movement, Imam Abd al-Qahir al-Baghdadi also describes the intimate involvement of Tamimites, and of Central Arabians generally, noting that the tribes of Yemen and Hijaz contributed hardly anyone to the Kharijite forces.
(Imam Abd al-Qahir al-Baghdadi, , 80; see the note to p.76 for the full identification of Dhu’l-Khuwaysira.)
As Imam Abd al-Qahir gives his account of the early Kharijite rebellions, replete with appalling massacres of innocent Muslim civilians, he makes it clear that the leaders of each of the significant Kharijite movements hailed from Najd. For instance, the Azariqa, one of the most vicious and widespread Khariji movements, were led by Nafi‘ ibn al-Azraq, who was from the Najdi tribe of Banu Hanifa (al-Farq bayn al-firaq (Cairo, n.d.), 82). As the Imam records, ‘Nafi and his followers considered the territory of those who opposed them to be Dar al-Kufr, in which one could slaughter their women and children. [. . .]
They used to say: “Our opponents are mushriks, and hence we are not obliged to return anything we hold in trust to them.’ (Abd al-Qahir, 84.) After his death in battle, ‘the Azariqa pledged their allegiance to Ubaydallah ibn Ma’mun al-Tamimi. Al-Muhallab then fought them at Ahwaz, where Ubaidallah ibn Ma’mun himself died, along with his brother Uthman ibn Ma’mun and three hundred of the most fanatical of the Azariqa. The remainder retreated to Aydaj, where they pledged their allegiance to Qatari ibn al-Fuja’a, whom they called Amir al-Mu’minin.(again Bani Tamimi)’ (Abd al-Qahir, 85-6.)
The Azariqa, who massacred countless tens of thousands of Muslims who refused to accept their views, had a rival in the Najdiyya faction of the Kharijites. These were named after Najda ibn Amir, a member of the tribe of Hanifa; Najda himself maintained his army in Yamama, which is part of Najd. (Abd al-Qahir, 87.)
As is the way with Kharijism in all ages, the Najdiyya fragmented amid heated arguments generated by their intolerance of any dissent. . The causes of this schism included the Kharijite attack on Madina, which came away with many captives; and different Kharijite ijtihads over sexual relations with Muslim women who, not being Kharijites, they had enslaved. Three major factions emerged from this split, the most dangerous of which was led by Atiyya ibn al-Aswad, again of the tribe of Hanifa. Following Najda’s death, his own faction split, again into three, one of which left Najd to raid the vicinity of Basra (Abd al-Qahir, 90-1).
[Special Thanx to Brother Sahan]

Miqat : is the place from which Ihram must be assumed for Umrah and Hajj. The five Mawaqeet: Medina- Dhul Huiaifa Sham- Al-Juhfa Najd- Qarn-al-Manazil Yemen- Yalamlam Iraq- Dhat Irq.